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2021-07-04 18:58  







"It does not matter to us that you are not a Communist. We will welcome any journalist who comes to see the Soviet districts. It is not we, but the Kuomintang, who prevent it. You can write about anything you see and you will be given every help to investigate the Soviet districts."

I met Mao soon after my arrival; a gaunt, rather Lincolnesque figure, above average height for a Chinese, somewhat stooped, with a head of thick black hair grown very long, and with large, searching eyes, a high-bridged nose and prominent cheekbones. My fleeting impression was of an intellectual face of great shrewdness, but I had no opportunity to verify this for several days. Next time I saw him, Mao was walking hatless along the street at dusk. talking with two young peasants and gesticulating earnestly. I did not recognize him until he was pointed out to me — moving along unconcernedly with the rest of the strollers. despite the $250,000 which Nanking had hung over his head.


Mao's food was the same as everybody's, but being a Hunanese he had the southerner's 'aila', or 'love of pepper'. He even had pepper cooked into his bread. Except for this passion, he scarcely seemed to notice what he ate.


的确,全书有一整个章节就是写毛泽东自述如何成长为共产主义者的,从农村,到长沙,再到国民革命时期…… 十分全面。与第一次撞见毛泽东却没认出来不同,斯诺第一次碰到周恩来总理的时候就认出他来了。原因居然是一句话。

But presently a slender young officer appeared, ornamented with a heavy black beard. He came up and addressed me in a soft, cultured voice. "Hello," he said, "are you looking for somebody?"
He had spoken in English!




Somehow, as he walked with me back along the quiet country lane to Hundred Family Peace, through fields of sesame and ripe wheat and the nodding ears of corn, he did not seem to fit any of the well-worn descriptions of the Red-bandits. He seemed, on the contrary, genuinely light-hearted and as full of the love of life as the "little Red devil" who trudged manfully beside him, and around whose shoulder he had thrown a fatherly arm.


The Chinese could fight as well as any people, as I had learned during the Shanghai war in 1932. … It was the Reds' greater success at the educative tasks in the building of an army that enabled them to withstand the tremendous technical and numerical superiority of their enemy.


For sheer dogged endurance, and ability to stand hardship without complaint, the Chinese peasants, who composed the greater part of the Red Army, were unbeatable.


熟悉美、英、法、日、德等国军队的斯诺认为,他们不见得能吃得消红军战士在长征中所经历的“风吹雨打、食物粗粝、住所简陋、长期艰苦的生活 (the Reds took a terrific pummelling from all sides, slept in the open and lived on unhulled wheat for many days) ”。


They seemed to be fairly happy, and perhaps the first consciously happy group of Chinese proletarians I had seen. Passive contentment is the common phenomenon in China, but the higher emotion of happiness, which implies a feeling of positiveness about existence, is rare indeed.

What discipline they had seemed almost entirely self-imposed. When we passed wild apricot trees on the hills there was an abrupt dispersal until everyone had filled his pockets, and somebody always brought me back a handful. Then, leaving the trees looking as if a great wind had struck through them, they moved back into order and quick-timed to make up for the loss. But, when we passed private orchards, nobody touched the fruit in them, and the grain and vegetables we consumed in the villages were paid for in full.


广东工业大学 中国知网

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